Pharmaceutical Public Health

Pharmaceutical Public Health Team

Our aims

The Pharmacy team in Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust (DIHC)aims to optimise the use of medicines by the people of Dudley. This involves making sure that people receive the medicines they need to manage long term conditions, and to prevent serious events such as strokes and heart attacks, as well as ensuring that medicines are used as safely as possible. A further consideration is to ensure that the limited amount of money available for medicines is spent wisely.

Supporting patient care

A team of 50 clinical pharmacists provides support to every GP practice in Dudley with patient consultations, management of medicines related correspondence, problem-solving, and reviewing patients’ repeat prescriptions. The pharmacists also provide support for multi-disciplinary teams who ensure that appropriately coordinated care is provided to patients with complex healthcare needs.

The Medicines Optimisation Support Hub (MOSH)

The Medicines Optimisation Support Hub (MOSH) is a centralised service with the aim to support the delivery of medicines optimisation work that is currently being undertaken by our Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.  This will therefore support our pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to deliver far more clinically focussed medicines optimisation work.  The MOSH service provides an additional resource within the Pharmaceutical Public Health Team service offer to General Practices.

Medicines related policies

The central team of senior pharmacists ensures that appropriate guidance and policies are in place to support good prescribing practice by our healthcare professionals. These consist of condition specific guidelines as well as our formulary which lists medicines considered to be safe and effective as well as offering value for money. A further focus is on reducing the use of medicines that the NHS considers to be of limited value and encouraging patients to buy medicines ‘over the counter’ where appropriate.