
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Children and young people aged 0-25 have a SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability that calls for special education provision to be made. DIHC (working with the Black Country and West Birmingham CCG) supports the health element of the SEND agenda for children and young people.

We work in partnership with local authorities to contribute to the implementation of the SEND reforms (Children and Families Act 2014). This means we work together to identify the needs of the local population and any gaps in local provision and then jointly address them.

The Local Offer

Each place’s SEND Inspection Reports can be found below: 


Our responsibilities

The CCG has responsibilities with regard to provision for children and young people with SEND. These are:

  • To commission services jointly for children and young people (up to age 25) with SEND, including those with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).
  • To work in partnership with local authorities to develop the Local Offer.
  • To have mechanisms in place to ensure practitioners and clinicians will support the integrated Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment process.
  • To agree Personal Health Budgets where they are provided for children and young people with EHC plans.

SEND Inspection Reports

Each place’s SEND Inspection Reports can be found below: 

What services are commissioned for children and young people with SEND?

In addition to the general services commissioned for the whole of the population, health services specifically provided for children and young people with additional needs include:

  • Therapy services: Speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy.
  • Nursing and paediatrics.
  • Child and adolescent mental health services.
  • Equipment.
  • Continuing care and complex care assessments and packages.

A range of support can be provided including Personal health Budgets which can be used for a variety of items.

Designated Medical/Clinical Officer (DMO/DCO)

The Designated Medical/Clinical Officer roles support the CCG to meet our statutory responsibilities for children and young people with SEND. The DMO/DCO provides a point of contact for the CCG, local authority, schools and colleges when specialist health advice is required.

Contact information for DMO/DCOs:


Job Title
Kellie Lennon Designated Clinical Officer
Dr Timothy Horsburgh Designated Medical Officer


Juliet Ridgway

Designated Clinical Officer
Dr Pandey Designated Medical Officer


Dr Monica Kaul Designated Medical Officer


Katrina McCormick SEND Lead 
Cathy Higgins Designated Medical Officer 

Please find more publications below: