
Primary Care Strategy

Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust's (DIHC) principal role is to support Primary Care to play its full role locally, and in the wider system, to support population health improvement and health and care services delivery and improvement - supporting primary care in addressing local challenges and meeting local needs within a national and ICB policy context.

The Black Country Integrated Care System (ICS) has delegated its functions in developing and supporting primary care in Dudley to DIHC.

This strategy has been developed with the engagement of primary care in Dudley and demonstrates their support, confidence, and ownership.

The launch of this strategy maintains momentum for the support of Primary Care in Dudley and is the foundation for wider support across the Black Country.

You can read the full strategy here 

default Click here to read the supporting plan on a page (391 KB)

If have any specific questions about the strategy or would like to get involved with the delivery of the strategy please contact the Primary Care Team -  and 

Appendix 1- Dudley PCN Profiles

Appendix 2 - ICS Population Health Summary

Appendix 3 - Workload and Workforce Statistics for Dudley

Appendix 4 - Dudley Quality for Health Outcome Framework 

Appendix 5 - Population Health Model

Appendix 6 - Action Plan (To Support Dudley)

Appendix 7 - Black Country Primary Care Collaborative Terms of Reference