
Research and Innovation

Welcome to the Research and Innovation (R&I) Department at Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust (DIHC).

Research is an integral part of healthcare and the NHS recognises the benefits it brings to the participating organisation, its staff, patients, service users, and the population in general; driving improvements and evidence-based healthcare.

DIHC is committed to creating a culture where innovation can flourish and research is a core part of everyone’s business; all services and staff groups will be encouraged to actively engage with research, which can improve the quality and overall experience of care received by our population. As a member of staff, a patient or service user, or as a carer or guardian, you may be approached to participate in research.

Getting in Touch

The R&I Team is based off-site and can be contacted with all general enquiries in the first instance, via the Trust’s Research email address:

        Meet the team          Resources          Current Funding Opportunities

        research portfolio